Thursday, 14 November 2013

Heartland Series

All among the blooming Heather

All among the blooming Heather
My Heartland Series is a tribute to my family's homeland. Most of us have a place that tugs on our heartstrings if we are away from it too long, or holds special memories of days gone by that make us sigh and smile, for me Donegal is that place.

Erin at Mullaghderg Strand

The heather and granite rocks dominate the scenery around the Homes and multitude of lakes, with wild honeysuckle, fuscia, montbretia and backberries lining the roads.
Swans over winter there for the mild temperatures and the fish that fill the lakes. However, the wet and windy weather is the most common experience all seasons round, giving the landscape that 'Wild Rugged' look of an ancient being.

For me it's the 'Welcome' in the air you feel as you arrive through the mountains, the smell of burning turf fires, warm hugs and mugs of tea.
Catching up with my family, seeing how everyone has changed and to hear their stories.

But more so, that feeling of belonging that fills my heart as I walk along the shores and up in the hills is next to none!